


Down by the Water

My first novel. Please see the 'Ring' books page for further details.

The Music of the Spheres

The Music of the Spheres

That star upon the serpent’s head

Is called the soul of man’

A collection of poetry with original illustrations inspired by the planets and the mythology and magic connected with them.

ISBN 1 900701 01 4 Priced £5

Sing of the City Electric

Sing of the City Electric

This book focuses on ideas of fragmentation, the death of the subject and the search for authenticity, with a discussion of the mechanisation of the body and ideas of the psyche as constituted by popular or image culture.

Topics include postmodern architecture and the creation of the artificial, problems of defining boundaries and the city as a state of mind or a projection of subconscious desires. The film BladeRunner is used at length to illustrate the argument.

I aim to show the postmodern city as an unreal world of simulation, a constituted dreamspace - a schizopolis created through hallucination or psychic projection which, as simulacrum creates its own characters.

‘A dazzling knowledge of architecture, literature, film and critical theory, leaving you feeling educated, but not exhausted.’

ISBN 1 900701 03 0 Priced £5

Loving One

Loving One

Loving longs for His delightful oblivion...

One big passionate angel is like his celebration.

It takes to dreams.

A miniature art book containing a single extended poem, and featuring the prize winning ‘Heart’ poem as its cover design.

‘A beautiful item - almost an 'art book' - an artefact in itself. ‘

‘Truly beautiful and inspiring ‘

ISBN 1 900701 02 2 Priced £3.50


In Association with

Cafe Ultima

Cafe Ultima

A few scenes from the place that’s open all night, including when the clubs close and everyone comes out from coming out to play.

‘A romp through the lives of various members of cafe society... violent moments, but strangely poetic in tone.’
ISBN 1 900701 04 9 Priced £5


Icon Critical Dictionary of Feminism and Postfeminism

I wrote HUNDREDS of the definitions for this!

ISBN 1840460423


Available now in bookshops, from or from Moog Enterprises direct, (price includes p&p, cheques to J. Benford).